Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Do you see yourself in the mirror or do you see a deformed figure?


I was wondering if you think your image in the mirror is the one you actually have. For example, I know I have a problem when it comes to my weight. I know that, numerically wise, my weight and height and body percentage are ok, but I see this huge thing in my belly that I can't shake off.

I'm 5';9 with 147 pounds and 8.5 body fat. So, ok, this is a reasonable number. But I was 5';8 with 180 pounds and 18 percent body fat two years ago. Now I watch everything I eat and I workout 3 hours a day, 7 days a week. But, looking in the mirror, it's just not enough. I actually feel miserable when I look everyday and I see the same belly that won't come off!

I realize I have a problem. Do you deal with the same issue? How do you deal with it?Do you see yourself in the mirror or do you see a deformed figure?
What you're talking about is body dysmorphic disorder, BDD.


Basically you're not seeing your whole self, just parts. It probably has a lot to do with your weight loss. Further weight loss may not help.

One thing you have to remember is that how you see yourself in the mirror is not how others see you. Others do not see you and look at your waist and criticize. Others see you as a whole person.

And the mirror can lie, because no matter what, you can only look at yourself from one angle, because of where your head is. Furthermore mirrors can be slightly warped. To see this you'll just have to go to hotels, often you'll see a mirror that makes you look slightly slimmer, or to a bigger extent go to a fun house and you'll see the warped mirrors. Thing is, the image in the mirror is not the image you project to other people.

And remember that others are also worried about their perceived imperfections, they have no time to worry about yours.

I suggest instead of worrying about it, work on a fitness goal. Set a goal to run a marathon, or learn Karate or something. 3 hours per day is a lot, so set goals, and work towards them. Then you can feel proud in yourself in what you can do(which yes I realize regular exercise can do), rather than worried about a little fat pocket you may have left over.

Oh and one critique for ya, 7 days a week is too much. You need a rest day, otherwise your muscles won't grow well enough, which can affect metabolism.

I would suggest ways to lose more weight, but you don't need it. You need to come to terms with yourself first, because if you start losing fat at this stage you may go overboard by really overcompensating, and that can be dangerous. Basically you need to work at the mental before you can do the physical again.Do you see yourself in the mirror or do you see a deformed figure?
50 sit ups every day
i kinda went anorexic... but from the avatar picture that you chose, you look hott!! Its ok, I have the same problem, I just went to the extreme. What you should do is limit calorie intake if you are really concerned.
im 5';9 also and whiegh 142 and i am skinny so you cant be fat!

I lost alot of weight in the past couple years...and now I'm quite skinny..but when I look in the mirror...I just see things I need to work on..and I totally hate that.

This is what happens when we lose weight and decide to get healthy...we become obsessed lol.

Anyways, the way I deal with it is that I know, deep down that I'm skinny..whether I see it in the mirror or not.

I'm sure people have told you you've lost alot of weight, right?

Well, good luck =]

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