Thursday, December 31, 2009

How do I figure out my GPA?

I have been out of school for 5 years and I'm a little rusty when it comes to school learning. I would like to go back to school this fall but I'm sure that my GPA would be different since I've been out of school for so long. How do I figure out what it would be now?How do I figure out my GPA?
If you are asking about your GPA from high school, it is the same no matter when you graduated. You did what you did. If you are asking for a predictor of your performance in a post secondary setting, you might want to take an assessment offered by the institution you are planning attend. However, adult learners usually do better in school. They are motivated to learn and want to be there.How do I figure out my GPA?
I think you have to take some sort fo tests, to prove that you are still educated enough to your last GPA record.
Ask the guidance department of your last school
Take an IQ test online, they give you the result as a GPA on some of them
I'd talk to my advisor.

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