Thursday, December 31, 2009

Given A 6 Figure Salary And Complete Creative Control, How Would You Change TV Programing ?

Your right out of college and have been offered a job at turner

network, i'm ted turner i'm putting you in charge of programing

my whole net work, especially prime time, boost my network

ratings and i'll double your salary in a year, ok go to work . . .Given A 6 Figure Salary And Complete Creative Control, How Would You Change TV Programing ?
Changing the media

So that it does not break people of their confidence

No longer creating images of people

that we can't be.Given A 6 Figure Salary And Complete Creative Control, How Would You Change TV Programing ?
hand all the writers a blank piece of paper and tell them to fill it with original ideas.

Anyone that can't write in a complete sentence, gets fired.

I would cancel ALL programming, because it all stinks.

Add a Science-Fiction channel, where some old guy reads Robert Heinlein stories 24/7.

Find the fellow that invented ';Reality Shows'; and send him to Gitmo.
I would stop pandering to the lowest common denominator and provide intelligent quality programing. I would stop assuming that the viewers have the intelligence of gerbils. I would clean up the language and get rid of the potty humor.
Everyone voted off of a reality show would die horribly, on camera.
You need an hour drama about...wait a fork over the green first...then I'll tell

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