Monday, December 21, 2009

Whoever can figure this out is a freakin genius?

you have a $100 budget

you have to spend all 100. dont go over dont go under.

you have to buy 100 animals

The costs of the animals are:

chickens- 50 cents

cows-- 10 dollars

horses-3 dollars

you can buy any number of any animal. just make sure that you dont go over the $100 budget and dont buy more or less than 100 animals.Whoever can figure this out is a freakin genius?
This is the answer:

chickens- .50*94=$47

Buy 94 chickens, which costs $47 dollars.

cows- 10*5=$50

Buy 5 cows, which costs $50 dollars.

horses- 3*1=$3

Buy 1 horse, which costs $3 dollars.

$47+$50+$3= $100

94 chiochkens + 5 cows + 1 horse= 100 animalsWhoever can figure this out is a freakin genius?
Use a system of equations.

#of chickens = a

#of cows = b

#of horses = c

a + b + c = 100

0.5a + 10b + 3c = 100

a + 20b + 6c = 200

-(a + b + c = 100)


19b + 5c = 100

Given that a, b, and c must be integers (you can't buy part of an animal), the two only possible answers are:

b = 5, c = 1

b = 0, c= 20

a + b + c = 100

a + 6 = 100 or a + 20 = 100

a = 94 or a = 80

94 chickens, 5 cows, and 1 horse = 100 animals

$47 + $50 + $3 = $100


80 chickens, 0 cows, and 20 horses = 100 animals

$40 + $0 + $60 = $100


For most purposes, you do need 3 equations for 3 variables to get one solution. Since you know that your variables must be integers, you can narrow down your possible answers to two.
Let C be the numbers of chickens you buy, W the number of cows, and H the number of horses.

C + W + H = 100

0.5C + 10W + 3H = 100

Multiply the first equation by 10:

10C + 10W + 10H = 1000

Subtract the second equation from this:

(10C - 0.5C) + (10W - 10W) + (10H - 3H) = 1000 - 100

9.5C + 7H = 900

Multiply both sides by 2 to get rid of the decimal:

19C + 14H = 1800

Solve for C:

C = (1800 - 14H)/19

Let H = 1 (this is just one possibility)


C = 1786/19 = 94

C + W + H = 100

94 + W + 1 = 100

W = 5

Buy 94 chickens, 5 cows, and 1 horse
50 cents=$ 0,5


0,5x+10y+3z=$100 (divide all sides by 0,5)


so if you put x=94, y=5, z=1
20 horses @ $3 = $60

80 chickens @ $0.50 = $40

100 total animals, $100 total money spent

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