Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How would I figure out a grade point average from college?

Let's say I have this percentage:

Reading: 75 C

English: 75 C

Speech: 75 C

First Aid: 80 B

Math: 70 D

How would I figure this out?How would I figure out a grade point average from college?
It depends how many credits the classes are worth.

A 4 credit class is going to impact your gpa more than a 1 credit class.

This is how most colleges calculate GPA's

A = 4

B = 3

C = 2

D = 1

F = 0

Take the number you got according to your grade then multiply it by the number of credits the class was worth.

For example, a B in a 4 credit class would give you 12points

Find out how many points you get from each class and add them all together.

Take that number and divide by the total number of credits you took this semester.

If all your points added up to 36 and you took 10 credits you would have a 3.6 GPA

I hope you followed that little confusing.How would I figure out a grade point average from college?





Add up the total and divide by the number of classes. So that's 2+2+2+3+1=10. Then divide by number of classes, that's 5. 10/5= 2. Which means you got exactly a 2.0

If your in college, you should really know how to do this!
I guess this is the same as average so I'll show you:

You add them all up: 75 + 75 + 75 + 80 + 70 = 375, and then they look where your number falls. Maybe a 3.0 or 3.5 its really confusing
You add them all up and then you divide it by the number of items you are adding

add em up .. you get 375 divided by 5 grades your average is 75

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